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PSIMD Extension of RISC-V

Team Members: Dinesh Venkat G, K S Vandana, Adrika Mohanty, R Mauriya, Vivek R, Pooja Tirmal, Rishab Somani

This project to extend the PSIMD extension of RISC-V for 16-bit and 8- bit float data types. Currently the PSIMD extension is only defined for integer 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit and 64-bits. The PSIMD for integers are good for DSP, Audio and Video applications but not scale well for ML applications in edge-analytics which perform well with 16-bit floats. Now, in PSIMD the operands reside in the same integer register file i.e., a RV64 core can basically have 4,16-bit operands or 8,8-bit operands in one register. In this project the proposal is to have,a PSIMD sub-extension for Bfloat16 and DLFloat16 data types wherein we can perform up to 4 parallel DL Float or Bfloat operations.

PSIMD Extension of RISC-V
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